First yuga (age) in a four-yuga cycle of time found in Vedic Hindu cosmology.
Examples for "satya yuga"
Examples for "satya yuga"
1Pursued by the Danava, Krishna took refuge in a mountain-cave in which a king of the Satya Yuga was lying asleep.
1The duties set down for the Krita yuga are of one kind.
2The men, however, of the Krita Yuga are devoted to penances, possessed of tranquil souls, and observant of righteousness.
3(The total duration, therefore, of the Krita yuga is four thousand and eight hundred years of the deities).
1Know these to be the characteristics, O Yudhishthira, of the Krita age.
2Formerly, in the Krita age I had expressed my approval of these creatures.
3In the Krita age, O sire, they were nowhere on earth.
4If he causes the Krita age, he attains to everlasting heaven.
5In the Krita age all the duties exist in their entirety, along with Truth.
1Of course the real question is whether this golden age is sustainable.
2Europe seemed to be on the cusp of a new golden age.
3He was also present at the start of hip-hop's so-called golden age.
4In this golden age, it policed a normal society by normal methods.
5Though affectionate mockery is nothing new, the golden age was relatively recently.
Translations for sat yuga